Listing of the Nahman Lineage

Note from Ben Nahman:

This is the beginning of my attempt at tracing the Nahman name. As an amateur I will try my best to document what I write, quote sources and include all that I find. I appreciate comments, criticisms and above all more information. While starting (and continuing) as a "family" history I will try to expand it to all Nahmans searching for the interconnections. All my work is in constant construction, and should not be considered as a finished one. All errors or omissions are mine.

Babylonia was situated in the area that is presently occupied by Iraq and was known to the

ancient Greeks as "Mesopotamia" ("Between the Rivers") The agricultural and economic lives

of the populace were determined by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the intricate network

of canals emanating from them.

During most the Talmudic era, Babylonia was ruled by a Persian dynasty, the Sasanians.


The main body of the page, occupying its centre and printed in formal block letters, is the

Talmud, or Gemara. Both these synonymous terms derive from words meaning "study" or

"learning." "Talmud" is Hebrew, whereas "Gemara" (in the present sense) is found only in the

Aramaic dialect of the Babylonian Talmud.

The Talmud is composed in a mixture of Hebrew and Aramaic (the latter was the spoken

vernacular of Babylonian Jews). In general, formal statements by the Amora'im are

formulated in Hebrew, whereas the explanations and discussions of those statements are

worded in Aramaic.

The scholars (Rabbis) who participated in the Talmud are referred to as "Amora'im"

[singular: "Amora"], from an Aramaic word that originally designated the official in the

academy whose job it was to recite the scholars' teachings before the public.

Official Rabbinic ordination could only be granted in the Land of Israel. Therefore

most of the Babylonian sages did not bear the title "Rabbi," but were called by the

lesser honorific Rav. Some of the most prominent Babylonian Amora'im were

The Nahman Lineage, Palestine, Babylonia, Spain (prior to expulsion)

Ben Nahman/ Bar Nahman a name which derives from the Hebrew (to rest, to be calm, to be satisfied)

including the meaning of <Tranquilizer>. (The one who brings rest and calm) precedes an

indication of being the child of: <Son of the tranquilizer.>Written in ancient Spanish documents: Namen


1. Hiya Ben Nahman,<Amora> palestinian in II Century ce.

2. Ishaq Ben Nahman, <Amora> palestinian in III ce. Source JE Vol XII

3. Samuel Ben Nahman, <Amora> palestinian in III ce and -IV ce . JE XI, Pg.25

4. Hillel Bar Nahman, fils de Samuel (3), Haggadist palestinian in IV ce. JE VI, 402.

5.Ishmael Ben Nahman, Haggadist in IV ce. . (lev. R. XI, 7)

6. Huna Ben Nahman, <Amora>babylonian in IV ce .

7. Abin Ben Nahman, <Amora> babylonian in IVce . JE 1, 64

8.Abba Ben Nahman, <Amora>babylonian in V ce .

9.Dimi Ben Nahman, <Amora> babylonian in V ce

10.Yehosua' Ben Nahman, <Amora>babylonian.

11.Papa Ben Nahman, <Amora> in V ce

12. Yehudai Ben Nahman, <Gaon>of Sura from 760 to 764 JE XII, 59

The Nahmans in Spain

13. Moses Ben Nahman,(1194- 1270) Gerondi (Ramban) see Bonastrug de Porta "The Nahmans of Gerona "
His sons were Joseph Ben Nahman, Solomon Ben Nahman and Isaac Ben Nahman. His daughter married the next chief rabbi of Gerona, Rabbi Gerson Ben Salomon.

14. Benveniste da Porta (Benveniste Ben Nahman, brother of Moses (13) Bayle of Barcelona.

15. Vidalon da Porta nephew of Benveniste da Porta (Benveniste Ben Nahman (14)

16. Jucaf Ben Nahman, dealing with an order for payment of money dated Toledo March 13, 1327. Baer II, 262

17. Don Mose son of Don Abraham Nahman, appears as tenant of many properties in <Juderia> in Toledo,belonging to the Convent of San Clemente, 1b.

18. Yento Naman, is mentioned in the census of houses and properties in the <Juderia>of

Pamplona in 1367 Baer I, 596

Post Expulsion

19. Abraham Ben Reuben Ben Nahman, rabbi of Marakesh in XVI ce.

20. Messod Ben Nahman, rabbi and grammarian of Rabat in XVIII ce . NM 136



JE Jewish Encyclopedia

Baer "A History of the Jews in Christian Spain"

much data from: " Les Noms des Juifs du Moroc" by Abraham Laredo

Institut Montano, Madrid.Pg.873, 874,